[Day +73] Being home is great. I am trying to do more around the house since I believe it is good for me to try and move around some, and I know it is good to be helpful - I am trying to be a spouse again, and not another dependent for Anne.
I am definitely stronger overall than I used to be, but my walking is still pretty shitty. So, I am changing my exercise to focus on (1) the small muscles that make up my hips, shins, and ankles; (2) my core; (3) my walking form and ability. Our new treadmill has arrived and is ready for use, so I will walk on it - slowly and soldier-like - with the goal of becoming a better walker. I also need to stretch more. My leg muscles are very tight, making exercise and walking a little more challenging.
I am just over 10 weeks post-HSCT. I have no new MS symptoms to report, no symptoms have gotten worse, and there has been small improvements is my strength of voice. I am still tired - took a 3 hour nap today - but I've read that chemo can result in fatigue for months, even years after treatment. I like to nap midday, but usually it's for an hour or less. Three hours is an exception, not the norm. My frame of mind is better too - this is because I know I've done all I can regarding medical treatment, now it is solely up to me to help myself.
I have no idea what the future holds. If I did, I would gamble on sports and get very rich doing so. I will keep exercising, keep myself moving, keep thinking positive, and see what happens.
I'd like you to mop more lol