Thursday, 2 April 2015

I am very tired these days, and my legs are not co-operating either (they are stiff, 'noisy', wobbly, and generally uncomfortable), so I am stretching and sleeping a lot.  Could it be from pushing myself extra hard during my physio sessions?  Has my old friend MS returned?  Am I drinking enough?  Eating enough?  Is it temporary?  Permanent? Is my body fighting an infection resulting in symptomatic heightening?  Is this the result of permeant damage done to my body by MS?  Is this just part of the typical ride on the post-HSCT roller coaster?  I don't know the answer to any of these questions, so I just do what my body tells me and sleep (and stretch).  At least 8 hours a night, and 2 more during the day.  I will miss the daytime sleeps when I return to work in couple of weeks, but what you gonna do?


My doctor and I have agreed that I will start off working 2 days on, 1 day off, and 2 days on.  If it turns out that I can't handle it, then I will adjust it as needed.  We will see how it goes.


Walked outside today (with my fancy outdoor walker) to the street corner and back.  Something which I will keep doing, tired or not.

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