Wednesday, 26 November 2014

[DAY +15]  All blood counts remain on the rise, so if everything remains like this, discharge from the hospital tomorrow evening (after my IV antibiotics course is complete) is what I will get. My white blood cell counts are high enough that I will not be getting a Neupogen shot today.  I received 6 total.


(1) Walked 6 loops (3  in the a.m., 3 in the p.m.) of the hospital wing
(2) Neckline rash (most bothersome) 90% gone; waistline rash 50% gone


When the nurses come in to draw blood, most comment "Nice veins, makes it really easy for us.".  My initial response was "Thank you, just like the veins of a heroin addict.".  One nurse quickly pointed out, "Drug addicts have terrible veins.  I once had to summon a surgeon to help me try and find a vein to draw blood from.".  Now, when the vein comment comes, I just say "Yes, happy to help.".


There are several nice looking churches visible from the hospital.  Here is one of them:


  1. Sounds good for the blood count...fingers crossed for the the picture...

  2. Hears an inside joke for you and Anne: "Ina would say, 'You have really good veins.' " Glad to hear the good news continues today, Aaron!

  3. Hope you enjoyed the food....back to Tel Aviv and toast...Diana, you have to step up your game lol
