[DAY +3] The night without the catheter meant multiple trips to the bathroom and back, with the goal of remaining upright (wall-walking) and getting there before my urge to go defeated my ability to hold. I lost a couple battles, but I ended up winning the war. Losing those battles had the effect of strengthening my resolve, which resulted in me taking many steps this morning up and down the hallway of my room. I am pleased with that.
Today is the first day of the weekend here (Shabbat starts this evening at sundown), so most people are off. I met Nurses Ashraf and Hussein up at the clinic to provide blood and urine samples for testing. There is still blood in my urine (although less than yesterday), so another day of fluids intravenously is in order, says Dr Nadir.
Many people have sent me texts. I do receive them, so thank you. However, in order to avoid large data and roaming charges, Rogers advised me to turn off all cellular data on my phone, and only use the local wi-fi. As a result, sending texts is very inconsistent. I get a lot of "Message Failed to Send" notifications. I attempt to respond to every one of the texts I receive, but I am at the mercy of a technology of which my understanding is weak, so many attempts have failed. The only device I can consistently send texts to without issue is my daughter Elaina's iPad. I have no idea why that is the case. It's nice to hear from people, so please keep the texts coming, just understand that a reply cannot be guaranteed.
Today I am fantasizing about eating Dida's sour cabbage with smoked bacon & ribs. If you are lucky enough to taste this masterpiece of a meal, you will wonder where it as been all your life. Having this meal is definitely an option during Christmas at The Botica's (my in-laws), but unfortunately for me I will not be able to make it there this year. I apologize in advance if I aggressively push you out of the way during Christmas 2015 in order to get me some kiseli.
I like this one too:
My condolences to our friends Marcie and Jay Donahoe. Thinking of you guys.
You need to change your contacts info from mobile to iPhone (for people who have iOS devices. That way texts get sent to iMessage instead of the phone number