Wednesday, 10 December 2014

[DAY +29] Today I did a little bit more exercise then yesterday.  I also went for a walk outside - boy was it cold - that made me yearn for the t-shirt weather of Tel Aviv.  I continue to eat like a glutton, and am enjoying every minute of it.

Anne's friend Laura took the time to prepare me a personalized physiotherapy program.  Thanks Laura! It was tough.

Today's exercise:
(1) Did a portion of Laura's physio program
(2) Walked to the street corner and back
(3) 6 x 10 lunges per leg (3 in a.m., 3 in p.m.)
(4) 6 x 5 pushups (knees on the ground)


  1. That's great that your seeing all these improvements . It's obvious your putting a lot of work into it :)

  2. Aaron we are addicted to your blogs....we are soo happy for the improvements you are making...keep it up!! Street corners and back is A-mazing!! Thank you for sharing your story and helping us understand MS a little more. Go EER!!
