Monday, 15 December 2014

[DAY +33, +34] Yesterday was another day of rest and stretching for me.  The rest did my muscles good, perfect timing for me first physio session today.

My physio person came to the house this morning.  I did a balance test (Berg Balance Scale), we talked about the physical issues I am looking to improve, and at the end we discussed my plan going forward.  My balance is decent - test score indicates I do not need walking assistance - but there is room for improvement, and there will be improvement.  He will come on Monday and Wednesday to help me complete the balance exercises correctly.  Also, he will email me an exercise, strengthening, and stretching plan that I can complete myself, as often as I can without hurting myself.  I will purchase a stability ball and some light weights since I will need them for my exercise program.

Based on my balance test results, I am starting from a good spot - my balance is good enough currently that improvement is likely.  As long as I work hard.  One of the most difficult parts of the test for me was standing with one foot directly in front of the other - toes of one foot touching the heels of the other - for 30 seconds.  The most I could do was 5 seconds.


I did a comprehensive blood test this morning.  Should get the results later in the week.  Or, I may not get any results at all, since my doctor said, "If you don't here from me, then everything is as expected.".


  1. what's this two days in one crap? i have grown accustomed to my daily updates, and i will not settle for less. don't make a habit of it, guy.

    1. To quote Jalen Rose: "Gotta give the people what they want!". On Thursday.
