Saturday, 27 December 2014

[DAY +46] This morning I awoke feeling a little bit lethargic.  I was a bit put off by this until I spoke with Anne.  Her comment was, "Well, how do you feel compared to before you went to Israel?".  Good point.  This week some days have been more energetic than others, but compared to all of my pre-HSCT days, my worst day this month is light years better than any day before my trip.  I used to have to fight to stay awake all hours of the day.  I dreaded even the most easy and insignificant everyday tasks (e.g. the 'long trip' to the bathroom) because doing the task was exhausting, and I just wanted to lay down.  Yes, my legs remain very weak and stiff, but at least now I have the energy to do something about it.

This morning's exercises:

(1) Marching - 3 x 10 per leg [right leg is weak, it wants to lockout when I lift my left leg]
(2) Standing on one foot (while holding onto chair), write numbers with other foot - 3 x 10 per leg
(3) Seated toe raises (shin muscle) - 3 x 10 [right leg weaker]
(4) Calf raises (on stairs) - 3 x 10 [legs shake during this exercise]
(5) Lunge  - 3 x10 per leg
(6) Pushup (kneeling) - 2 x 10


  1. Grover,

    Been thinking a lot about you and your family this holidays. These posts are great to read. Great reminders of how easy it is to take life's little things for granted. Keep up the fight.

    The Baileys ( James, Helene, Jacob and Dylan).

    1. Thanks James. Great to hear from you. Hope you and your family are good.
