Tuesday, 9 December 2014

[DAY +28] Sadly for me, all the pomegranate seeds are gone.  I have eaten them all, all 12 large pomegranates, and they were delicious!

I have been asked more than once if undergoing HSCT for my MS was worth it.  It's very soon after HSCT, but I can already say that yes, it was definitely worth it.  Here's why:
(1) My fatigue level is reduced.  By a lot.  Especially during/after eating.
(2) After the procedure I walked/exercised outside in the warm Tel Aviv air.  I used to melt like butter in warm temperatures - I would be begging for the nearest air conditioned room with a couch.  Exercise, or any activity that caused my body to heat up, made things worse.
(3) My legs used to be a real nuisance. I like to say they were very "loud".  It felt like they were on fire, and it was very uncomfortable.  That is not the case anymore.  There is still some discomfort, but there is much less.  I am sure the majority of my remaining leg issues are a result of the damage done to the myelin on my spinal cord due to MS.  This damage may or may not be repaired, but with me having completed HSCT, it is unlikely to get worse.
(4) I am able to lift my feet up each stair as I walk up.  That used to be very difficult, almost impossible - there was a lot of dragging and stumbling.  I walk up the stairs very slowly, but the ability to do so properly is priceless.
My legs are definitely weak, and I will not be entering a walking contest anytime soon, but I knew going into this that there would be a lot of work/ physical therapy required after HSCT.  The only regret I have is that I did not undergo HSCT sooner.  But I am still very happy I that was able to get it done - regardless of timing.

The next year is likely to be full of ups and down when it comes to me and my ability. But that is okay with me, and it is way better than just downs.


Today's Exercise:
(1) Walked to street corner and back.  Then walked a few houses in the other direction (all with walking stick).
(2) 4 x 10 lunges (each leg)
(3) 4 x 5 pushups (knees on ground)

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