Monday 1 December 2014

[DAY +20]  Legs are a bit tired today from the exercise, but that is a good thing, and very necessary.  Other than that, I am feeling alright.  Must be the weather.  It's 22C (72F) and sunny outside today.  Hard to believe it's December 1st when I can walk outside in a t-shirt and be very comfortable.  Tomorrow's forecast: 26C (79F) and sunny.  I have had nothing but positive experiences here, but when I get the green light to go home, the only thing I am going to miss about Israel is the weather.  It has been glorious throughout my stay.


Morning exercise complete:
(1) 5 loops walked outside
(2) 3 x 10 wall squats


Evening exercise:
(1) 4 loops walked outside
(2) 3 x 10 wall squats


Elaina & Aly went to the movies yesterday with some friends:

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